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University Library Committee (ULC): Bylaws

This Guide provides information on the Eli M. Oboler University Library Committee


Bylaws of the University Library Committee (ULC)

Idaho State University



The University Library Committee is an elected advisory board that advocates for the library interests of faculty, students, and staff at Idaho State University. To that end, the ULC communicates between its constituencies and library administration; promotes the development of library collections, services, and spaces; advises on the libraries' budget, strategic planning, and assessment; and raises awareness of the value of a vibrant university library system.


A.  The official name of this group is the University Library Committee. This committee is in the purview of the library, and the committee's minutes        are available to the ISU community through the library website, on the University Library Committee page.


A.   The purpose and function of this committee are as follows:

  1. Provide recommendations for book budgets for all campus units.
  2. Encourage timely expenditures for books.
  3. Discuss and make recommendations concerning policy for reduction, expansion, and distribution of library budgets for library resources for all campus units.
  4. Discuss and make recommendations concerning policy for periodical purchase and  review of use.
  5. Report on ULC as well as general Library policy to departments and colleges.  
  6. Contact assigned liaisons in the spring and fall to remind them of their duties and responsibility to work with library bibliographers and, in return, report to the committee any suggestions or problems from liaisons. 
  7. Facilitate communication and help explain internal workings of the library to departments.
  8. Support library and library staff in working for budget increases and other matters of mutual concern.
  9. Act as a consulting body, making recommendations to the University Librarian.


A. The committee is composed of eighteen (18) voting members from the following constituencies:

  1. Four (4) faculty representatives from the College of Arts and Letters (two each from fine arts/ humanities and social sciences).
  2. One (1) faculty representative from the College of Business.
  3. One (1) faculty representative from the College of Education.
  4. Three (3) faculty representatives from the College of Science and Engineering (one each from natural and physical sciences and one from engineering).
  5. Two (2) faculty representatives from the Division of Health Sciences (one from Health Sciences and one from Pharmacy).
  6. One (1) faculty representative from the College of Technology.
  7. One (1) faculty representative from the Library.
  8. One (1) faculty representative from the Research Centers.
  9. One (1) graduate student representative.
  10. Two (2) undergraduate student representatives (one from Arts & Letters, Education; OR Business; one from Division of Health Sciences, College of Science and Engineering; OR College of Technology)
  11. One (1) Staff Council representative.

B. A constituency is defined as the permanent members of the unit or organization.

C. The Dean of University Libraries is an ex-officio, non-voting member.

D. Faculty members are elected by the faculties of the designated constituencies during the spring semester. In the case of extenuating      circumstances, the Dean of the college or division in question may appoint a representative. The length of a faculty member’s term is    three (3) years. Since terms are staggered among the membership, approximately one third of the members retire each year.  In constituencies with multiple representation, only one member of a department may serve at any one time.  Midterm vacancies will be filled by appointment of the Dean for the remainder of the unexpired term.  Such appointments are to be made from the faculty of the constituency suffering the vacancy.

E. A faculty member may serve a second term.  Additional terms are permissible once the faculty member is off the committee for a minimum of one year.  Exceptions can be made at the college level.

F. The Staff Council representative is appointed by that organization to serve a one-year term with eligibility to serve a second term.  Graduate and undergraduate representatives are chosen annually by the ASISU Student Senate.

G. Regular attendance at meetings is strongly encouraged and excessive absences may subject a member to recall by this committee or his/her appointing constituency.  A member may be recalled by two-thirds approval of voting members of this committee or the appointing constituency, but must be allowed an opportunity to appear before the committee or appointing constituency to explain his/her absences.  If a member cannot attend a meeting, he or she must notify the recording secretary or the Committee Chair in advance to be considered excused.  A member may send a proxy to vote in their stead pending the approval of two-thirds (2/3rds) of the committee that are present at the meeting.



A. A chair and chair-elect are elected annually in the last meeting of the spring semester. The current chair conducts the election of officers in the last meeting of the spring. The duties of the chair are to prepare agendas, call meetings, and conduct the business of the committee between meetings. The chair may also communicate issues of significance to members of the administration, when appropriate. The duties of the chair-elect are to provide assistance and consultation to the chair, serve when the chair is unavailable, and prepare for becoming chair the following year.

B. The secretary (library staff member) or committee chair keeps records and circulates minutes and notices of meetings.

C. A minimum of four (4) meetings must be held each year, two (2) in the fall, and two (2) in the spring, one of which must include the election of the new chair.  Additional meetings are held when appropriate.

D. Any two (2) members may request a meeting within 15 working days of the request unless the 15th day falls during a regularly scheduled break for summer, fall, spring, or holidays.  Then the next regularly scheduled meeting must consider the substance of the request.



A. Minutes are kept by the recording secretary (library staff member) for each meeting and posted by library staff on the ULC web page in  a timely manner. The ULC is an independent committee whose minutes are accessible to the public.

B. A quorum consists of one-half of the voting membership who are serving a current term.  Only informational meetings shall be held without a quorum.

C. A motion is passed with it receives a majority of the votes cast.

  1. Abstentions do not count as votes.
  2. Proxy voting is allowed. Electronic ballots or vote by email is not allowed.
  3. The chair is a non-voting member.
  4. In the case of a tie, the chair will be allowed a vote.


A.  This committee has no standing subcommittees.



A. No amendment may be both introduced and passed at the same meeting.

B. These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the voting committee membership.

C. The ULC is an independent committee, and therefore is responsible for the ultimate approval of bylaws. The ULC will advise the Library of all changes made to the Bylaws in a timely manner.


A. Items or policy not completed in one academic year should be considered old or continuing business to be completed by the ULC in the next academic year.

B. New business may be initiated by the committee by any of the following means: as a matter referred to the ULC by the Curriculum Council or the Faculty Senate; as an item proposed by a member of the ULC; as an item introduced by the library faculty and/or staff; as a matter proposed by the greater university community; or as items of business referred to the ULC by the Library itself, other faculty councils or committees, the University administration, or other relevant body or individual.



Approved by University Library Committee: April 2, 1984

Revised and Approved by University Library Committee: April 17, 2010

Revised and Approved by University Library Committee: January 21, 2011

Revised and Approved by University Library Committee: April 23, 2015

Revised and Approved by University Library Committee: April 30, 2018

Amended and Approved by University Library Committee: April 5, 2024.






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