ISU Libraries has launched a helpful Notes blog that will contain a post every week about college-level research skills your students may need.
This block appears on ISU's Moodle dashboard, but we encourage interested faculty members to add this block to their Moodle course shell, as well.
How to Add the Library Block to Your Moodle Course
To add the Library Block into your Moodle course, you will first need to download the .mbz file and save it to your computer. Next, you will "restore" the file into your course.
1. Click the link to download the Moodle file LibraryMoodleBlockFinal.mbz and save it somewhere you can find it again.
2. In Moodle, open the course where you plan to add the Library Block.
3. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the course, and choose "Restore."
5. Upload the LibraryBlockFinal.mbz file into the file upload window. Once it is uploaded, click Restore.
6. On the Confirm page that appears, review the backup details. You'll see "Blocks" are the only type of item being restored (green check mark). This is good, because you can see the restore file only contains the block you want to add to your course. Leave all default settings selected and hit Continue.
7. On the Destination screen, if you started in the correct destination course, leave the default "Merge the backup course into this course" option selected, and hit Continue.
8. On the Settings screen, leave all the default settings as they are. All the drop-down menus should say "No" and all the other items should have a red X next to them, except for "Blocks," which should be checked.
9. On the Course Settings page, leave all the default selections. Next to Overwrite, the menu should say "No" by default. Do not change this.
10. On the Review page, click Perform Restore.
There will be short processing message, and then you should see a "Success!" message. Click the Continue button (not the back browser button) to return to the course.
The box will now appear in your course: