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Publishing Your Scholarly Article

Now that you're a published author ....

Evaluating Your Impact

Once your journal article has been published you may wish to evaluate how much impact your article has had on the research community.  

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • No one database is comprehensive.
  • No one database covers all journals.
  • No one database includes all publication formats.
  • Publication dates affect your results.
  • Results can be misleading.
  • All impact measures are controversial.

How much have others used my work?

Citation Analysis

One measure of impact is to determine how much others have used your work to advance research in your field of inquiry.  There are several indices and databases which provide this type of citation analysis.


Alternative metrics or 'altmetrics' are ways to measure the impact of research beyond traditional citation sources like articles and books. Altmetrics look for the reach of a research article in places like social media, policy documents, news stories, data sets, and more. 

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