Interlibrary Loan supports the research and scholarly activities of current Idaho State University faculty, staff, and students by providing access to materials not owned by the ISU Libraries. We adhere to industry standards regarding copyright. The Idaho State University Libraries reserves the right to refuse requests for materials deemed in violation of copyright law.
We believe that educational materials should be low cost to our users. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide everything for free. The following charges may apply to any and all interlibrary loan requests.
Item | Price | Notes: |
Copyright Clearance Center Fee | Copyright fee(s) as determined by the Copyright Clearance Center |
Fees will be passed on to the ILL user. The ISU Libraries adheres to the “Rule of 5” (5/5/1), which states that requests for articles from a journal title published within the last 5 years must not exceed more than 5 articles from a single journal title in a calendar year.
Any request that exceeds this threshold will be held and the ILL user will be contacted via email to resolve this issue. Failure to respond to these emails will result in a cancellation of the request(s). The Idaho State University Libraries reserves the right to refuse requests for materials deemed in violation of copyright law. |
Re-order Fee | $10.00 + all other incurred fees | Fine added for items ordered multiple times to equal copyright fees, lending fees and $10 processing fee. |
ILL Overdue Fine | $1.00 | Per day per item. (No maximum charge) |
ILL Replacement Fee | $400 or lending library fee | Per item. Charged on all items 2 weeks overdue. $400 or lending library fee, whichever is greater |