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Barrington atlas of the Greek and Roman world. G3201.S2 2000 .B3
Civilization of the ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. DE59.C55 1988
Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. DS57 .C547 2000
Encyclopaedia Judaica. DS102.8.E496
Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. Connect to eBook (ISU students, faculty, staff only)
Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World. DF16.S23 2005
Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. CB311.E535 2000
Historical dictionary of Ancient Egypt. Connect to eBook (ISU students, faculty, staff only)
Oxford classical dictionary. DE5.09 1996
The Cambridge Ancient History. D57.C252
The Oxford companion to classical civilization. DE5.094 2014
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. DT58.O94 2001
The Oxford handbook of science and medicine in the classical world Connect to eBook (ISU students, faculty, staff only)