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Collection Development: Past Projects

Collection Review Guidelines August 2019

      Fall Semester

      Publishers issue invoices for following year
      Subject Librarians contact Liaisons with collection information (books/journals)
      Departments review materials and subscriptions
      Spring Semester
      Liaisons communicate desired recommendations to Subject Librarian by Spring Break
      Library vets recommendations for cost, license viability
      Acquisitions negotiated in summer, and take effect the following January

Elsevier Journal Cancellations 2015

ISU Eli M. Oboler Library changed the access mode for 66 Elsevier journals from locally held to being available through Interlibrary loan on January 1, 2015.  The rising cost of journals along with low usage of some journals in our subscription package was one reason that caused us to make this change. This is a similar move to that made by other research universities, including Purdue and Harvard which, like ISU, are seeing their purchasing power eroded by journal price increases greatly exceeding the rate of inflation.

As a library we also recognize that we cannot continue to simply purchase every possible journal in hopes it will be used. So we are moving to an access rather than ownership model that will stress rapid availability of information resources to users at their point of need.  Our plan moving forward is that a combination of rapid item purchasing, interlibrary loan, and document delivery will get users the information they need faster and at a lower cost. 

Journal Title Uses 2013/14 Subject Area
Journal of School Psychology 37 SPLISE
Journal of Accounting Education 3 Accounting
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30 Anthropology
Advances in Biological Regulation <formerly:      Advances in Enzyme Regulation> 0 Biology
Molecular Immunology 5 Biology
Journal of Thermal Biology 7 Biology
Cellular Immunology 8 Biology
Human Pathology 10 Biology
The American Journal of Pathology 12 Biology
Theoretical Population Biology 12 Biology
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 18 Biology
Clinical Biochemistry 20 Biology
Virology 28 Biology
Experimental Cell Research 30 Biology
General and Comparative Endocrinology 32 Biology
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 33 Biology
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 35 Biology
Life Sciences 35 Biology
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1 Chemistry
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2 Chemistry
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 6 Chemistry
Electrochimica Acta 17 Chemistry
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 22 Chemistry
Spectrochimica Acta. Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy 24 Chemistry
Computers &  Security 22 CIS
Explorations in Economic History 3 Economics
Cryogenics : The International Journal of Low     Temperature Engineering and Research 0 Engineering
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 4 Engineering
Future Generation Computer Systems <incl.         Computational Science> 8 Engineering
Systems & Control Letters 10 Engineering
ISA Transactions 17 Engineering
Global Finance Journal 0 Finance
Journal of Economics and Business 3 Finance
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 8 General
Government Information Quarterly 15 General
Human Resource Management Review 29 General
Lithos : an International Journal of Mineralogy,  Petrology and Geochemistry 27 Geology
Global and Planetary Change 33 Geology
Translational Research <formerly: The Journal of  Laboratory and Clinical Medicine> 15 IHSL
Surgery 28 IHSL
Journal of World Business <formerly : The ColumbiaJournal of World Business> 4 Management
Business Horizons 35 Management
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 17 Marketing
Industrial Marketing Management 23 Marketing
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 0 Math
Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 Math
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 6 Math
Advances in Mathematics 8 Math
Linear Algebra and its Applications 14 Math
Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 20 Nursing
Heart & Lung : The Journal of Acute and Critical  Care 26 Nursing
Nuclear Physics. A, Nuclear and Hadronic Physics 2 Physics
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 4 Physics
Journal of Applied Geophysics <formerly:          Geoexploration> 8 Geology
Orbis 1 Political Science
Psychosomatics 6 Psychology
Cognitive Psychology 12 Psychology
Cognition 28 Psychology
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental      Psychiatry 36 Psychology
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases 33 PT
Public Health 34 Public Health
Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology 1 Rad Sci
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 1 Rad Sci
Radiography 4 Rad Sci
Learning and Motivation 7 Teaching and Educational Studies
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