You have a research project due soon, and you have spent time finding sources. How do you begin? We recommend that you:
1. Read an overview from an encyclopedia to get background information on your topic. This will help to develop some ideas about how to narrow your focus on your topic and prepare you for the advanced sources you are expected to use.
2. Use library databases and library catalog to locate credible sources on your topic. Google may help with this, but there are many websites that have questionable credibility.
3. Read/listen and understand your information from a variety of sources to build a strong base.
4. Organize your information and order it in a way that makes for a strong presentation.
5. Compose your information in an orderly manner, using appropriate terminology, grammar, punctuation, and documenting source information using MLA, APA or other style format.
6. Review and revise. Ask a peer to read and review, then revise. Take it to the Writing Center for review, then revise again. Continue reviewing and revising until you are confident you have accomplished your goal.