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Health Care Administration: PubMed Tutorials


If you have questions about how to use PubMed, contact your ISU Health Science Librarians! Go to our Health Science Library homepage and scroll down to see contact information or to book an appointment. Or you can chat with a librarian using our live chat widget!

What is New in PubMed?

As of May 2020, PubMed has a new interface! The resources on this page will help you quickly get oriented to the features of the new PubMed.


These YouTube videos have been created by medical librarians and show how to perform searches and work with results in PubMed.

Searching in PubMed

This 2-minute video from Laupus Library at East Carolina University explains how to use the Advanced search form in PubMed. The video begins with search strings that have already been formatted with Boolean operators.

It is not necessary to use Boolean operators in PubMed, but it is encouraged for searchers who need to be comprehensive in their search. If you're not familiar with Boolean operators, see this page on our Search Help: Common Search Problems library guide.

Narrowing Your Search Results with the Filter Menu

This 1-minute video from Laupus Library at East Carolina University explains how to apply filters to your search results in PubMed.

Saving Your Results

This 1-minute video from Laupus Library at East Carolina University shows multiple methods for saving your PubMed results.

The video mentions reference management software. If you're doing an in-depth research project, we strongly recommend using reference management software. Check out our guides on Zotero and Mendeley to get started. 

If you don't use reference management software, this video mentions you can can also create an NCBI account to save your PubMed search results. 

For Faculty, Researchers, and Others Who Need More

This 13-minute overview of the New Pubmed from Laupus Library at East Carolina University gives a step-by-step demo of the new PubMed and its major changes, including a discussion of the improved search synonymy and the reasons behind the re-design.

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