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Newspapers: Find Articles

Core Newspaper Databases

America's News, Nexis Uni, and Newspaper Source Plus provide full-text articles from thousands of newspapers. Search them using their native interfaces or search OneSearch and filter results by News under source Types by Full Text.

Related Newspapers: Databases and Indexes

This group of resources includes individual local and major national newspapers plus information about print indexes.

Historical Newspapers

Historical U.S. Newspapers Online research guide from Bowling Green State Univesity has additional newspaper sites and organizes resources by state.

19th-Century Mormon Article Newspaper Index 
A digital collection of 5,800 newspaper articles dealing with the Mormons or with the territory or state of Utah between 1831–1900.

Journals by Title

Did you find an article you'd like read, but don't know if the library owns the journal?  Enter the journal title below to find the full text.

Search for Online Journals




Newspapers in Microfilm format

The majority of the Library's newspaper holdings are in microfilm format.  The microfilm machines will print the articles you need or convert them to pdf files that can be saved on a flash drive or emailed as an attachment. Pdf files can be viewed on computers using Adobe Reader, which has a useful magnification feature.

Newspaper holdings (microfilm)

Newspaper Holdings List (Reference Desk): This binder was put together by Eli M. Oboler Library staff and is a valuable finding aid to the newspapers on microfilm held by the library. Included are title and city alphabetical lists and an account of the "miscellaneous" Idaho newspaper microfilm. Copies of these finding aids are also available in the microfilm area.

New York Times (RSS)

Salt Lake Tribune (RSS)

Idaho Statesman - Local news (RSS)

Interlibrary Loan

Can't find the full text?  Don't despair!  Learn how you can request the article from another library and how to use our ILLiad interlibrary loan system. 

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