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Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: Plagiarism Policy

Idaho State University Policy

Academic integrity is expected of all individuals in academe. Behavior beyond reproach must be the norm. Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating and plagiarism.


“Cheating” is using or attempting to use materials, information, or study aids that are not permitted by the instructor in examinations or other academic work. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:

  1. Obtaining, providing, or using unauthorized materials for an examination or assignment, whether verbally, visually, electronically, or by notes, books, or other means.                                                                       
  2. Acquiring examinations or other course materials, possessing them, or providing them to others without permission of the instructor. This includes providing any information about an examination in advance of the examination. 
  3. Taking an examination for another person or arranging for someone else to take an examination in one's place.
  4. Submitting the same work or substantial portions of the same work in two different classes without prior approval of the instructor                                                                                                                                 
  5. Fabricating information for any report or other academic exercise without permission of the instructor.

“Plagiarism” is representing another person's words, ideas, data, or work as one's own. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the exact duplication of another's work and the incorporation of a substantial or essential portion thereof without appropriate citation. Other examples of plagiarism are the acts of appropriating creative works or  substantial portions thereof in such fields as art, music, and technology and presenting them as one's own.

The guiding principle is that all work submitted must properly credit sources of information. In written work, direct quotations, statements that are paraphrased, summaries of the work of another, and other information that is not considered common knowledge must be cited or acknowledged. Quotation marks or a proper form of identification shall be used to indicate direct quotations.

As long as a student adequately acknowledges sources of information, plagiarism is not present. However,students should be aware that most instructors require certain forms of acknowledgment or references and may evaluate a project on the basis of form, penalizing the student in the grade assigned if citation of sources is improper.


source: ISU Student Handbook rev August, 2014



If You Plagiarize...

Students who commit academic misconduct, including plagiarism, may be subjected to the following disciplinary sanctions:

  • Warning
  • Resubmission of work
  • Grade reduction
  • Failing the course
  • Failing the course with a notation of academic dishonesty on the student's academic transcript
  • Suspension from the University
  • Expulsion from the University

One or more of the above disciplinary sanctions may be imposed.

Source: the above text was taken from the ISU Student Handbook

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