Idaho State University Dissertations and Theses are available online from 2014-present through the ISU Theses and Dissertations Repository.
ISU dissertations and these can also be found through ProQuest
Those that were published prior to 2014 are available in hard copy on the second floor of the Library. Use the Library Catalog to find a specific thesis or dissertation.
Tips for browsing the print collection:
Tips for keyword searching in the Library Catalog. Catalog searches retrieve records for both print and electronic theses.:
Examples of keyword searches:
The Geosciences Department Theses site includes some electronic theses prior to 2014.
Eli M. Oboler Library
850 South 9th Avenue
Pocatello, Idaho 83209-8089
Phone: (208) 282-2958
ISU Library - Idaho Falls
1776 Science Center Drive, Room 250
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Phone: (208) 282-7906
ISU Library - Meridian
1311 E. Central Drive, Room 844
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 373-1817