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Open Educational Resources (OER): Creating & Adapting OER

Open Educational Resources can help students with course material costs and increase student retention and graduation rates. This guides explains how to find OER and evaluate how they can be used in a course.

Creating and Modifying

If you don't find OER that is useful for you, you might consider modifying a current OER to meet your needs or authoring a completely new work. Below are some guides to help.

Pressbooks at ISU

Want to write your own ebook? ISU now has an ebook publishing platform called PressBooks which will help you format and publish your work. Contact or to get started with Pressbooks at ISU.

You can also self-enroll in ISU’s OER Moodle course to receive announcements about upcoming Pressbooks trainings. The enrollment key is OAERISU.

Creating OER

Modifying OER

Incorporating OER

You've found some great OER. Now what? Meet with an instructional designer at the ITRC for help determining the accessibility of the OER you locate, incorporating OER into your course, and/or editing or remixing OER to work for your course. 

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Creative Commons License This work by D'Arcy Hutchings is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

You may reproduce, reuse, or remix any part of it for noncommercial purposes as long as credit is included. We encourage you to license your derivative works under Creative Commons as well to encourage sharing and reuse of educational materials. Note that linked content is covered by its own licenses.

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