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Biology: Citing Sources

Library resources and services for biology related topics.

ISU Writing Center

Don't forget that you can use the ISU Writing Center to help you review your paper including your reference page!  Walk-in and appointment service is available for Pocatello or Idaho Falls students, and distance students can get help online. 


Citation Generators

Citation generators are minimalist websites that will help you to create citations to include in the bibliography or works cited pages of your papers.  They will not organize your research like other, full-featured citation management systems, but they are easy to use and will create correctly-formatted citations. The principle of good in, good out applies here, so the citations are only as good as the data that you enter into the machine, so make sure to double check the completed citations before including them in your assignments.  

Citing Your Sources - Reference Managers


The reference page can sometimes be the most stressful part of writing a paper, but doesn't have to be this way! 

There are three tools you can use to make this process much easier!  Click on the links below to learn more about each.

Be Aware!

From Academic Tim Gunn

Citation software such as Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote Basic are provided for your convenience only. Please use them with caution. They are not perfect, and they do make mistakes when creating bibliographies. Be sure to review the results to check for formatting, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, required elements, etc. for the citation style you are using. Consult the appropriate official style manual for the definitive answer to your citation questions.  

How to Citate? (Videos)

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

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