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Faces of the Library: Meet Our New Student Success Librarian

by Luci Perez on 2022-08-09T12:20:00-06:00 in Library Science | 0 Comments

Student Success Librarian


Laura Gleason
Student Success Librarian, Assistant Professor
B.A. English and B.A. History, Idaho State University
M.L.I.S, Wayne State University

A growing body of evidence suggests that students’ academic success is linked to library usage, including improved student retention and an enhanced academic experience. - Findings from the Assessment in Action Team Projects

I work closely with students, faculty, and other student support units to leverage and promote library resources and services contributing to student success, recruitment, and retention.

University Libraries at Idaho State University is a physical place, but more and more it is an online digital space. We are here to support students, faculty, and the community!

  • When you need help with the research process or finding relevant information sources for writing assignments, visit us at any of our library locations, use our Ask a Librarian email form, Chat with us, or Schedule a Meeting.
  • Please feel free to reach out to Laura directly at, (208) 282-3139, or make an in-person or Zoom appointment. I look forward to partnering with you on your academic success!


Get to Know Laura:
Where were you most recently?

I have been working with students at the library since 2012 as a Library Assistant in Public Services at Oboler Library, which includes Instructional Services, Research Services, and Outreach. I am excited to take the best parts of my experience and education to the next level by working closely with students, faculty, and other student support units to leverage and promote library resources and services that contribute to student success at Idaho State University.

What are you reading? 

"Fires in the Mind: What Kids Can Tell Us About Motivation and Mastery" by Kathleen Cushman. 

What do you like about working for an academic library?

I like the moment when a student lights up and they become excited about the research process. Helping students is the reason I chose academic librarianship. Students are my inspiration and motivation!  

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