Idaho State University Libraries is excited to announce our badging program, which will award students “badges” in Moodle ISU when they complete library tutorials and quizzes.
University Libraries have long offered a series of five ResearchPath information literacy modules to faculty who want to include basic information literacy and library search skills in their Moodle ISU courses. Each ResearchPath module consists of a tutorial followed by a quiz.
With our badging program, any student who passes one of the new badge-enabled ResearchPath quizzes will earn an associated badge that will display in the Badges section of their full Moodle profile.
These Moodle badges serve as proof a student has previously completed a ResearchPath module, and will be visible for the rest of the student’s time at ISU. Instructors may choose to give exemptions to students who have already earned ResearchPath badges in another course rather than requiring the students to complete those modules again, avoiding student frustration at having to repeat the modules.
This short video includes a demonstration of Moodle badges shown on a student’s full profile:
The five ResearchPath modules (tutorials and quizzes) were created by librarians to teach the basics of college-level research. ResearchPath modules should not be used to replace in-person library instruction; they can be used as a supplement to library instruction, or as a refresher.
The following modules are available:
See full learning objectives for each module here: ResearchPath tutorials learning objectives.
Including the new badge-enabled ResearchPath modules in a Moodle course involves uploading a library-provided file into Moodle (instructions are provided). Instructors who would like to include the ResearchPath modules in upcoming Moodle courses should use this form to request the materials for their course.
ResearchPath badges were developed in partnership with the Instructional Technology Resource Center (ITRC), and University Libraries would like to thank them for their support!
If you have any questions about badging or the ResearchPath modules, please contact