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Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery Services: ILLiad Info

Interlibrary Loan supports the instructional, research, and scholarly activities of current Idaho State University faculty, staff, and students by providing access to materials not owned by the ISU Libraries.

Copyright Notice

The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.Under certain conditions specified in the Law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproductions. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of that order would involve violation of the law.

ILLiad Sign In

Click ILL Request Form  to go directly to the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan sign in page.

In your ILLiad Interlibrary Loan account, you will be able to:

  • Submit requests
  • Monitor status of your requests
  • Renew books
  • Download articles


Other ILL Staff, Contact Info & Office Hours

ILL Staff:

  • Teresa Warren - Lending
  • Kristin Haderlie - Borrowing

Contact Us:

Phone: 208-282-3127

Office Hours:

8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

ILLiad Interlibrary Loan

What is ILLiad Interlibrary Loan?

  • ILLiad Interlibrary Loan is an interlibrary loan management system that allows you to quickly and easily place interlibrary loan requests 24 hours a day. You can track the status of your request(s) and view/download electronically received items through your ILLiad account..

Who can use ILLiad Interlibrary Loan

  • ILLiad Interlibrary Loan is available to all currently affiliated faculty, staff and students of Idaho State University regardless of location. Register/sign in using your ISU ID.

Is Registration Required? Why?

  • Yes, registration is required.
  • Registering means you will not have to supply the information again when making future requests.
  • Having your e-mail and regular mail addresses on file enables us to notify you promptly and deliver materials accurately when your request arrives in the library.
  • Registering provides secure access to information about your requests

1) Click ILLiad Account/Request form (from our Home page) or "Request this item through interlibrary loan" (from our databases).

  • If you do not already have an ILLiad Interlibrary Loan account, you will automatically be directed to the registration page.
  • Existing users will automatically be directed to your account's main page or the appropriate request form.

2) Complete the form. 

  • Email Address:  You must use your regular email address. Departmental addresses (e.g. are not accepted. You can forward your email address to a preferred account. 
  • Status: Select your university status. Select "Distance" if you live outside a 25 mile radius of the Pocatello Campus. 
  • Department: Select the department that best describes your major.
  • Delivery Location: This selection determines where you will get the requested loan materials. Books from other libraries can only be picked up at one of the ISU sites (Pocatello, IF, or Meridian). Interlibrary Loan items cannot be mailed directly to you.
  • ISU (Bengal) ID#: Your nine-digit ISU (Bengal) ID number will become your username for ILLiad. If you do not know your ISU (Bengal) ID number:
    • Sign in to your Bengal Web account and select "Academic Tools" or "Employee" tab.
    • Call the Help Desk at (208) 282-4357.

3) Click Submit Information.

You are now registered for ILLiad interlibrary Loan and can place requests.

From our Databases:

  1. Click on “Request this item through interlibrary loan” or “Find it at ISU” button.
  2. Sign in to ILLiad Interlibrary Loan using your Bengal ID and your last name. First time users will be prompted to create an account.
  3. Verify information transferred into request form correctly. Add any additional information, if needed.
  4. Click “Submit Request”.


Manual Entry:

  1. Check Journals by Title and the Library Catalog to make sure the Library does not have the item. If you need help, please contact the Reference Desk .
  2. Sign in to ILLiad Interlibrary Loan using your Bengal ID and last name. First time users will be prompted to create an account.
  3. Select your request type (Article, Book, Book Chapter, etc.) from the Top Menu --> New Requests.
  4. Click “Submit Request”.

You will need to submit a separate request for each item.

Reason for Cancellation What it means
Main Stacks The library has this book available in the Main Stacks on the 2nd Floor. A call number is usually provided. If not, check the Library Catalog.
Periodicals The library has this item available in Periodicals on the 3rd Floor. A call number is usually provided. If not, check the Library Catalog.
Online Your item is available full text online. In most cases, you will access your item by finding the journal title in the A-Z Journal List. If the item is available online elsewhere, a link is provided.
Storage The library has this item available in Storage. Staff at the Main Circulation Desk will retrieve the item for you.
Government Documents The library has this item available in Government Documents on the 3rd Floor. A call number is usually provided. If not, check the Library Catalog.
Reference The library has this book available in the Reference Collection on the 1st Floor. A call number is usually provided. If not, check the Library Catalog.
On Reserve The library has this book available on Reserve at the Main Circulation Desk.
Special Collections The library has this book available in Special Collections in the Basement. A call number is usually provided. If not, check the Library Catalog.
Idaho Documents The library has this item available in Idaho Documents on the 3rd Floor. A call number is usually provided. If not, check the Library Catalog.
Checked Out The Library has the item, but it is in use by another patron. You can place a hold or a recall on the item at the Main Circulation Desk. Recalls are usually faster than requesting the item via interlibrary loan.
Incorrect Citation The is a problem with the citation provided and interlibrary loan staff are unable to locate the item. Contact the Reference Desk for assistance.
Dissertation Abstracts International Dissertation Abstracts International only provides summaries (abstracts) of theses and dissertations. This information can be located in another database available in the library. If you would like to obtain the item via interlibrary loan, please use the Thesis/Dissertation Request form.
Duplicate A request for the item was submitted to the library previously.  
Textbook The item is a textbook currently in use in a course. You may purchase/rent the item.
Too New The item was published so recently that no library is able to supply the item. Books can take as much as 6 months to 1 year after publication to become available via interlibrary loan. 
Non-circulating We have contacted all libraries reporting owning the item, however, it does not circulate outside of those libraries. We may be able to obtain photocopies of a chapter/small section of the item.
Thesis/dissertation unavailable for loan The desired thesis or dissertation is not available for loan via interlibrary loan. You may be able to purchase the item for your personal collections. Please contact the Interlibrary Loan office for more information regarding purchasing theses/dissertations.
No lender We have contacted all identified libraries and are unable to locate any able to send the item via interlibrary loan. 
Deadline We unable to obtain the desired item by your deadline date. If you would still like the item, resubmit your request. We may be able to obtain photocopies of a chapter/small section of the item.
Other Reason varies; check the email for the specific reason. You can also view the email in your ILLiad interlibrary loan account by selecting "View: Notifications" in the ILLiad menu.


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