Oboler Library has been a U.S. Government Depository Library since 1908. The government documents collection of Oboler Library serves the informational needs of the citizens of eastern Idaho and the 2nd Congressional District. Many but not all of the items we hold are in the Library Catalog. Oboler Library was also a depository for materials from the State of Idaho until the program ceased in 2009. Government documents collections are located on the 3rd floor of the Library. The Library also purchases selected publications from the United Nations. These titles are integrated into the Reference and Main collections. They may be found by searching the Library Catalog.
Our offices and collection are located on the third floor of the Library, rooms 323, 324, and 325. Reference service is provided at the main reference desk located on the 1st floor of the Library across from the reference computers. Specialized reference assistance can be arranged by contacting the Government Documents Librarian.
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: Committee PapersFile Unit: Committee Papers of the Committee on Indian Affairs from the 58th Congress
This item is a map of Oklahoma and the Indian Territory with counties outlined in different colors.
Steffanie Groves
Library Assistant III
Room 325
(208) 282-3051
Shanna Semenza
Library Assistant II
Room 323
(208) 282-1419