Dictionary of U.S. Government Statistical Terms (Reference Collection: HA 17. D 55 1991): This dictionary is designed to help students and researchers use the statistics provided by the United States Government. It defines and explains many of the terms used in government statistical tables, with notes about which agencies use which terms.
General Statistics Resources
Almanac of the 50 States (Reference Collection: HA 203. A 5 1999): This almanac contains short statistical profiles of all 50 states. The profile includes population, economics, environment, crime, and more. This almanac also includes comparative tables.
County and City Data Book (U.S. Documents, latest edition at Reference Desk: C 3.134/2-1:): This collection of county and city statistical profiles contains data about population, economics, housing, agriculture, labor, and more. The latest edition is also available online.
County and city extra: annual metro, city, and county data book (Reference Desk, Reference Collection, Main Book stacks HA203 .C68): Annual compilation of statistics for cities and counties.
Guide to U.S. Government Statistics (Reference Collection: Z 7554 .U5 G8 1997): This guide lists thousands of different statistical resources published by the United States government. Documents are organized by agency and cover weather and climate, agriculture and forestry, health, criminal justice, and more. Indexed.
Statistical Abstract of the United States (Documents Stacks C 3.134: 1878-1890, 1897-1898, 1900-1926, 1928-2012; Reference, with latest at Reference Desk HA202 .P7 2013-): This statistical abstract contains thousands of charts detailing the demographics, economics, education, and more of the United States. Indexed.
Statistics Sources (Reference Desk: Z 7551. S 84): Organized topically, this guide to statistics resources points out thousands of different places to find statistical information.
Historical Statistics
Datapedia of the United States: American History in Numbers (Reference Collection: HA 202. K 87 2004): This collection of historical statistical data covers the early nineteenth century to the present and provides tables on weather and climate, mortality, consumer income, food and nutrition, and more. Indexed.
Historical Statistics of the United States (Reference Desk: HA 202. H 57 2006): This five volume set contains thousands of charts, graphs, and tables that cover the population (volume one), work and welfare (volume two), economic structure and performance (volume three), economic sectors (volume four), and governance and international relations (volume five). Each volume contains a cumulative index.
Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970 (Reference Desk: C 3.134/2: H 62/789-970): This two volume collection of historical United States statistics contains tables on transportation, vital statistics, immigration, agriculture, and more. Includes multiple indexes.