CIS U.S. serial set index (Reference Z 1223 .Z9 C65 1975) Shelved on an Index Table on the 3rd floor. Provides indexing for the House and Senate documents and reports and cross-references the serial numbers of the reports from the publication of the American State papers in 1789 through the first session of the 91st Congress in 1969.
Cumulative subject index to the Monthly catalog of United States Government publications, 1900-1971 (Reference Z 1223 .A182) Shelved on an Index Table on the 3rd floor. This title provides subject indexing to the documents distributed by the Depository Program listed in the Monthly Catalog by the Government Printing Office.
Cumulative title index to United States public documents, 1789-1976 (Reference J83 .C86) Shelved on an Index Table on the 3rd floor. Indexes documents from the Monthly Catalog by title only. Useful for finding documents if all you know is the title.
Guide to U.S. Government Publications (Z 1223. Z 7 A 574 Current edition is at the Reference Desk, Older editions in Stacks): Provides an overview of U.S. Government publications and traces changes in publications and agencies. Arranged by Agency and call number within each agency. Also has an Agency Chronology and Title and Title Keyword index. Use the table of contents at the beginning of the book to quickly navigate this guide.
Government Information on the Internet (Reference Desk: ZA 5075. N 69 2003): This book lists hundreds of government Web sites, which can be used to contact senators and representatives, find statistics, find government agencies, and more. Indexed.
Monthly catalog of United States government publications (Reference GP 3.8:) Shelved on an Index Table on the 3rd floor. This title is a catalog and index of material published by the federal government with call numbers and distribution information included. The library has volumes from 1909-June 1976 in Reference and July 1976-2004 are shelved in the Documents Collection on the 3rd floor.
Subject Guide to U.S. Government Reference Sources (Reference Collection: J 83. R 63 1996): Unlike many government information sources, this book lists government information sources by subject and by type, rather than by agency. This source can help you find current and historical information on science and technology, Congress, political science, the environment, and more. Indexed.
Using Government Information Sources: Print and Electronic (Reference Desk: J 83. S 43 2001): This guide can be used to help you understand government documents, and covers many of the most commonly used government documents such as patents, statistics sources, the National Archives, government grants and programs, and more. Indexed.